How a Tech CEO is Disrupting a Billion-Dollar Industry featuring Joshua Schwadron

Joshua Schwadron became the CEO of Mighty because he wanted to give consumers more power. After law school taught Joshua how to push the law to benefit others, Mighty was created to disrupt personal injury law and the insurance industry.


  • Why Mighty was created to stop accident victims from being re-victimized
  • How to leave traditional law to serve clients better
  • Why Mighty and Mighty Law were founded


  • The philosophy of helping 
  • Big Ten college rivalries (Joshua is a Michigan graduate; Kyla is an Ohio State graduate)
  • How to push boundaries to advocate for others
  • The best domain names ever!
How a Tech CEO is Disrupting a Billion-Dollar Industry featuring Joshua Schwadron

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How a Tech CEO is Disrupting a Billion-Dollar Industry featuring Joshua SchwadronHow a Tech CEO is Disrupting a Billion-Dollar Industry featuring Joshua Schwadron

About This Episode

Joshua Schwadron’s Background

After working in contract, trademark, and real estate law, Josh Schwardron slowly began working in areas outside the law and realized that it had been a decade since he did any traditional legal work. Josh’s work away from the law also led him to work in private equity, where he saw the vast amounts of money involved in accident and insurance claims and realized there had to be a better way to work with accident victims. 

"For most people, leaving the law is not that stark, and for me, it was not," shared Joshua Schwadron in episode 82 of You Are A Lawyer.

Why Law School

Joshua Schwadron went to law school to learn the theories behind the law. After law school, the biggest lesson that Josh learned was that the law is archaic, with most legal precedence dating back 100 years, and needing to keep up with technology and current life. Is it surprising that Josh would want to innovate and disrupt the personal injury practice area?

Josh is licensed to practice law in three states because it was easy to take multiple bar exams right out of school when Josh was still unsure of his career path or geographical path.

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What Can You Do With a Law Degree? 

While Joshua Schwadron believes that many areas of law will be impacted by technology, students can find ways to make technology work within the practice group and “be happy and make a lot of money.” 

"I recommend that students develop an expertise that cannot be disrupted by artificial intelligence (AI) or technology," shared Joshua Schwadron on the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

A law degree will take you anywhere. While Josh sees the impact of his law degree in his life, he cautions students to think about why they are going to law school before they take the giant leap because of the exorbitant costs of legal education.

Josh used his law degree to become the CEO of Mighty, which was created to benefit accident victims and bring equity to the personal injury and insurance industry.

"Mighty was founded to give the consumer more power and benefits and help to root out some of the bad practices that many people in personal injury have," explains Joshua Schwadron in Episode 82 of You Are A Lawyer. 

Lawyer Side Hustles

Joshua Schwadron became a legal tech founder and CEO because he wanted to improve the lives of people affected by accidents. Traditionally personal injury law firms are all about settling a case and minimal client involvement while they work on the issues. Mighty develops products that will aid the client, like interest-free friends and family loans, which allow the client to get money to handle their bills without dealing with that issue themselves and adding chaos to a relationship. 

Mighty is concerned with:

  • How the consumer is feeling
  • Is the consumer able to pay their bills?
  • Has the client’s car been fixed?
  • How can mighty help you get back to your new normal?

Mighty is a nationwide service that allows accident victims to get better service. If you live in a smaller or remote area, Mighty can refer you to someone who can assist you after your accident.

Contact Joshua Schwadron

Joshua Schwadron is licensed to practice law in New York, New Jersey, and Florida. 

Learn more about Mighty:

Read more about Joshua Schwadron here

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