How To Grow Your Law Firm with Informal Networking feat. Brent Nelson

Brent Nelson is an international tax and estate lawyer based in Arizona, specializing in working with high-income international families. What he comically calls “rich people law,” Brent found his niche in tax law during law school and focuses on developing meaningful connections through informal networking and social media.


  • The value of lawyers as podcasters 
  • Why Twitter (or X) is a great way to meet lawyers
  • Tips to navigate the demands of work and family


  • How informal networking impacts referrals
  • Continuing education for lawyers 
  • The importance of communication
How To Grow Your Law Firm with Informal Networking feat. Brent Nelson

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How To Grow Your Law Firm with Informal Networking feat. Brent NelsonHow To Grow Your Law Firm with Informal Networking feat. Brent Nelson

About This Episode

Brent Nelson’s Background

Brent Nelson is an international tax and estate lawyer based in Arizona, specializing in working with high-income international families. What he comically calls “rich people law,” Brent found his niche in tax law during law school and focuses on developing meaningful connections through informal networking and social media.

Why Law School

Brent Nelson attended law school because he always liked school. Brent describes himself as an academic person who enjoys reading, writing, and thinking about big thoughts. 

He recalls taking a tax law class in law school, initially having no interest in the subject but eventually falling in love with it. He appreciates how tax law combines practicality with vastness and vagueness, allowing him to explore his theoretical interests while still providing a service to others.

Brent sees the law as a profession that goes beyond just a business and emphasizes the importance of solving other people's problems and bettering society through the skills of a lawyer. Brent Nelson believes that being a lawyer inherently involves these aspects, regardless of the business side of it.

“And still to this day, I will stop and go read sections that I've read a hundred times. And half the time when I read them, I'll see something in there that I didn't remember being in there and I'll learn something new. And I just forced myself to do that constantly. That's my personal practice. I think it's excellent practice to really learn an area in depth," shared Brent Nelson on the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

The Value of Informal Networking as a Lawyer

Brent Nelson believes in spending time with people and valuing relationships. Because his work in tax law and estate planning is heavily based on numbers, Brent appreciates how relationships and money are intertwined. 

“Twitter is definitely one of those hidden gems, which sounds ironic, right? Because everyone's heard of it. But I think a lot of people, they don't use it the way that you and I are using it," shared Brent Nelson in Episode 101 of the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

Having connected on Twitter, Brent Nelson talks a lot about the impact of technology on the legal profession. Brent describes the importance of networking at in-person events, on social media, and with local and state bar associations. 

There are many arguments that technology will replace lawyers, but technology and automation will improve legal practice. Technology cannot replace the personal touch and expertise that lawyers bring to their clients. Therefore, lawyers should focus on developing their interpersonal skills and building relationships with clients and potential clients.

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The Value of Informal Networking as a Lawyer

Brent Nelson believes in spending time with people and valuing relationships. Because his work in tax law and estate planning is heavily based on numbers, Brent appreciates how relationships and money are intertwined. 

“Twitter is definitely one of those hidden gems, which sounds ironic, right? Because everyone's heard of it. But I think a lot of people, they don't use it the way that you and I are using it," shared Brent Nelson in Episode 101 of the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

Having connected on Twitter, Brent Nelson talks a lot about the impact of technology on the legal profession. Brent describes the importance of networking at in-person events, on social media, and with local and state bar associations. 

There are many arguments that technology will replace lawyers, but technology and automation will improve legal practice. Technology cannot replace the personal touch and expertise that lawyers bring to their clients. Therefore, lawyers should focus on developing their interpersonal skills and building relationships with clients and potential clients.

Wealth and Law Podcast

Brent Nelson started podcasting because he needed to share his ideas and concepts about the law with a broader audience. As a young lawyer, Brent recognizes the challenges that young lawyers face in the profession and knows that podcasting is a simple way to make relevant legal information more accessible. 

By adopting this informal conversational format, Brent captures and shares valuable discussions with a broader audience because lawyers are slow to catch on to podcasting. 

"I wasn't really thinking about podcasting as personal wellness, but I don't think many people would agree. But that it does have that element for me," shares Brent Nelson on the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

One of Brent’s motivations behind the Wealth & Law podcast is his need to stay busy and engaged in the legal profession. Brent Nelson admits that he is a bit of a "busy body" and enjoys having ideas related to his practice that he wants to share. The Wealth & Law podcast allows Brent to quickly and easily express these ideas without the need for extensive editing or preparation.

There is great value in podcasting, even with informal conversations. Brent meets with podcast guests and legal experts over meetings, lunches, and drinks. The podcast conversations often delve into work-related topics, but they always provide valuable insights and knowledge about lawyers. 

"The more and more and more niche you get, the more, you know, the more fine that knife cut is," explains Brent Nelson in Episode 101 of the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

International Families and Tax Law

Brent Nelson acknowledges that all lawyers don’t have to be full-service practitioners. Depending on the city's size and the community's specific needs, being a general practitioner may be required, but Brent found great success in international law and estate planning.

Brent decided to specialize in working with international families, which stemmed from his experiences studying abroad during college. When cases with international elements landed on his desk, Brent took it upon himself to learn more about the topic through self-education, reading articles, attending conferences, and speaking on the subject and quickly found himself an expert. 

Brent's example of constantly reading, researching, and studying shows that becoming an expert in a niche area requires ongoing dedication and curiosity for many years after graduation from law school.

"But the actual application of it is service to other people and solving other people's problems, whatever it takes to solve those problems. And then doing things that you think will better society through the skills that you have. That's a profession in my mind," explains Brent Nelson in Episode 101 of the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

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Contact Brent Nelson

Brent Nelson is licensed to practice law in Arizona. Learn more about Brent Nelson:  

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Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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