How Mindset Impacts the Bar Exam feat. Yohanna Romero Baca

Yohanna Romero Baca, a bar exam coach and former immigration attorney, shares her personal experience of not passing the bar exam and how it inspired her to help others succeed. She discusses her unique approach to bar exam preparation, emphasizing the importance of mindset and effective writing skills. Listen as Yohanna explains how passing the bar exam can open doors to career opportunities.


  • How to overcome bar exam failure
  • The importance of IRAC
  • How to leverage the written portion of the bar exam


  • The process of becoming a bar prep student
  • Unhappiness in the legal field
  • The importance of a growth mindset
How Mindset Impacts the Bar Exam feat. Yohanna Romero Baca

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How Mindset Impacts the Bar Exam feat. Yohanna Romero BacaHow Mindset Impacts the Bar Exam feat. Yohanna Romero Baca

About This Episode

Yohanna Romero Baca’s Background

Yohanna Romero Baca is a bar exam coach who helps people pass the bar exam, particularly those who have failed it before. She attended George Washington Law School in Washington, D.C., and practiced law for 15 years before transitioning into coaching.

"Just because I failed the exam doesn't mean that I'm a failure," shares Yohanna Romero Baca on You Are A Lawyer.

Yohanna's own experience of not passing the bar exam on her first attempt inspired her to help others overcome this challenge. She believes that failing the exam does not define a person's intelligence or ability to become an attorney. Yohanna's approach focuses on teaching effective study techniques, leveraging the written portion of the exam, and cultivating a growth mindset.

Why Law School

Yohanna's decision to attend law school was sparked by a pivotal moment during her college years. While studying architecture, she took an international law class and immediately felt a strong connection to the subject matter. Realizing that her true passion lay in the field of law, she made the bold decision to switch majors and pursue a legal career. This led her on a path that ultimately led to a successful career as an immigration attorney and, later, as a bar exam coach.

"I really believe that God gives you these passions and desires and talent… It's just a matter of you finding them and walking into them and aligning yourself with God's will for you," shares Yohanna Romero Baca on Episode 100 of You Are a Lawyer.

Yohanna's journey highlights the importance of following one's true calling and aligning with their innate talents. She recognized that her passion for law was deeply rooted in her personal experience as an immigrant and her desire to help others navigate the complex immigration system. Yohanna Romero Baca shares the belief that each individual possesses unique talents and passions, and by embracing them, they can find fulfillment and success in their chosen field. Her decision to pursue law school was not only driven by her personal interests but also by a deep sense of purpose to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

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IRAC Like A Pro

Yohanna Romero Baca teaches her clients how to effectively communicate in writing using the IRAC format, but she also goes beyond that. She teaches them how to think critically and analyze the law, allowing their original thoughts to shine through in their answers. IRAC stands for Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion, which is a format taught in law school and used for the bar exam. 

The "IRAC like a pro mindset" is about more than just following a formula. It's about developing a mindset that prioritizes thinking, analysis, and effective communication. It's about recognizing that success on the bar exam requires more than just memorizing information and completing tasks. It requires a deep understanding of the law and the ability to apply that knowledge in a thoughtful and strategic way.

"What makes it magical is when the reader, the bar exam grader, hears your original thoughts. That's where the magic comes in," explains Yohanna Romero Baca on the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

Yohanna's coaching approach is rooted in her own personal experience of failing the bar exam multiple times. It was through her own journey of self-discovery and growth that she developed the "IRAC like a pro mindset." She understands the challenges and frustrations that individuals face when preparing for the bar exam, and she is passionate about helping them overcome those obstacles and achieve success.

How to Create a Growth Mindset

Yohanna Romero Baca emphasizes the significance of mindset in achieving success. She shares her personal journey of shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, which allowed her to overcome challenges and achieve her goals. Yohanna initially believed that hard work alone would lead to success, but her perspective changed when she discovered the power of mindset through working with a personal finance coach. She realized that mindset plays a crucial role in all aspects of life, including career and financial success. 

"We want to be superwoman, but there comes a point where we got to prioritize," shared Yohanna Romero Baca on Episode 100 of You Are A Lawyer.

Yohanna's mindset shift enabled her to embrace continuous learning and pursue her passion for coaching others. She encourages women, who often feel the need to be superwoman, to prioritize and seek help when needed in order to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

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Contact Yohanna Romero Baca

Yohanna Romero Baca is licensed to practice in the state of Texas.

Learn more about Yohanna:  Bar Exam Coaching by Yohanna

Interact with You Are A Lawyer

Kyla Denanyoh hosts the You Are A Lawyer podcast. 

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