How Authenticity Impacts Your Legal Career feat. Bianca Jordan

Bianca Jordan applied to 500 jobs before opening her law firm IN 2014. Now, MANY law firm wants to hire Bianca, but she's found great success helping families and business owners with their immigration paperwork. Bianca has also begun coaching lawyers to become better business owners. Learn about the brazen power of Bianca Jordan on the You Are A Lawyer Podcast.


  • The power of innovation as a lawyer
  • What Myleik Taught Me! How Bianca was inspired by CEO and podcaster Myleik Teele
  • Why successful lawyers don't have to be extroverted or LOUD lawyers


  • Bianca’s history as an actor
  • The power of knowing how to pivot as a lawyer
  • What John Adams taught Bianca about being a lawyer

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How Authenticity Impacts Your Legal Career feat. Bianca Jordan

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How Authenticity Impacts Your Legal Career feat. Bianca JordanHow Authenticity Impacts Your Legal Career feat. Bianca Jordan

About This Episode

Bianca Jordan’s Background

When a teacher prompted Bianca to play John Adams in a play, Bianca decided that she wanted to become a lawyer. But it wasn’t until an immigration clinic in law school that Bianca fell in love with and decided to focus on human rights and immigration.

Brazen Lawyer Side Hustles

Bianca founded Brazen Legal in 20214. Although she never imagined being a business owner, it was the correct path for her because of her difficulties in finding employment. 

After passing the Massachusetts bar exam, Bianca went through a time that she calls her “Goldilocks experience”: Bianca was overqualified for jobs because she had a J.D. and MBA or under-qualified because of her limited legal practice experience.

“I applied for 500 jobs, I was temporarily homeless two weeks after passing the bar… let me just put my shingle out there and open my own law firm, explains Bianca Jordan in Episode 98 of You Are A Lawyer. 

Currently, ‍Bianca Jordan runs two businesses: an immigration law firm called Brazen Legal and an entrepreneurial consultancy called Rebel Immigration. Through Brazen Legal, Bianca helps people navigate the immigration system. With her second business, Rebel Immigration, Bianca teaches immigration attorneys to excel in their niche and charge higher fees.

Bianca credits MySpace for teaching her how to code; skills she used to create her website and manage her initial clients. With time and more clients (and money), Bianca was able to hire staff and work with a website designer and continue to innovate her paperless law firm. 

“Whatever I don’t know, I’m going to figure it out,” shares Bianca Jordan about learning to adapt and innovate. Bianca didn't want to be micromanaged because she wanted to be creative in marketing, and she wanted to find referrals, but Bianca wasn't interested in that.

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The Power of a Paperless Office

Bianca never anticipated leaning into her creative side. Between this generation not having the same job for 20 years to wanting to have an impact on our own terms, it was mandatory that Bianca work for her. 

“I’m the child of immigrants,” explains Bianca Jordan. “Many of their biggest risks is just coming here then they get a job and stay forever,” Bianca explains about why running her own law firm allows her to embrace creativity, social media marketing, and live on her own terms. 

When she first started her law firm, Bianca wanted to work with other lawyers to get referrals. But as a legal pioneer, Bianca was managing a paperless, virtual office, and she did not have the expenses of managing a physical office. When was initially, a unique situation turned out to be an exceptional blessing when the Coronavirus pandemic affected in-person meetings. 

“That actually became my biggest strength… and my law firm blew up during COVID. I doubled down on social distancing and still getting you that green card, shared Bianca Jordan in Episode 98 of You Are A Lawyer. 

Creative Lawyers are Valuable

“I’ve always been big on being your 1000% authentic self. When I show up as my authentic self, it shows other lawyers that they can do that too," shared Bianca Jordan on the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

Because immigration law is very serious and the stakes are high, Bianca enjoys bringing joy and levity into her practice. Both businesses, Brazen Legal and Rebel Immigration, are entrenched in the federal courts and involve human rights. So Bianca embraces color, natural hairstyles, and fun dresses to court. You do not have to be a dull lawyer in a grey suit to make an impact. 

Bianca uses social media to contact clients that other lawyers may overlook. 

“There are so many legal deserts where people don't have access to an attorney or justice. Social media is about getting the information out there,” explains Bianca Jordan on the You Are A Lawyer podcast.

Contact Bianca Jordan

Bianca Jordan is licensed to practice law in Massachusetts. Learn more about Bianca Jordan:  

Brazen Legal:



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