You Are A Lawyer is a podcast for lawyers and law students about career changes, lawyer side hustles, & ambition hosted by Kyla Denanyoh.

The podcast was created to promote the creativity and curiosity of every lawyer.

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Manage Stress feat. Lauren Klein

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Manage Stress feat. Lauren Klein

Lauren Klein shares her journey from big law to launching a coaching program for law students and new lawyers in this episode. She discusses the importance of mindset coaching, success coaching, and mindfulness in the legal profession, emphasizing the need for balance, health, and financial well-being. Lauren's insights highlight the versatility of a law degree and the endless possibilities available to young lawyers and law students.
How To Navigate Career Changes and Find Fulfillment feat. Samantha Divine Jallah

How To Navigate Career Changes and Find Fulfillment feat. Samantha Divine Jallah

Samantha Divine Jallah, an experienced in-house lawyer and life coach at Radical Bench, shares valuable insights on navigating career changes and finding fulfillment in the legal profession. Through her own journey of transitioning through different careers, Samantha emphasizes the importance of starting with oneself, utilizing one's skills and passions to create a fulfilling career path. Her advice resonates with young lawyers and law students, encouraging them to live intentionally and not stay stuck in unfulfilling roles.
How To Mentor Young Professionals feat. Michael Alder

How To Mentor Young Professionals feat. Michael Alder

Michael Alder, a seasoned lawyer and mentor, shares his journey of personal growth and giving back in this episode. From navigating relationships to writing books on life skills for middle schoolers, his experiences during COVID-19 have shaped his perspective on mentorship and philanthropy. Join us as we delve into Michael’s unique approach to helping others and making a difference in the community.

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